Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Testing, testing 1 2 3


1 comment:

ec said...

Hi Gideon,

What a beautiful message from Lennon--can't be a more timely reminder in the current age of war and disharmony!

And this is communicated in very simple musical means. The opening is really no more than a two-bar ostinato heard 5 times (1 as intro, followed by 4 short vocal phrases). As such, it is not appropriate to invoke the idea of period, not to mention that the repeated I-IV progression hardly constitutes a harmonic phrase in our more restricted sense of the term phrase. Note how this is contrasted in the chorus?

For your harmonic analysis, it is curious that you have ignored the bassline and taken the RH chordal lowest note as the bass.

One question for you: how may the E7 chord affect our harmonic perception of the ensuing F chord. Play these two chords on their own and listen to their relation, then put them in the context of the song. How does it contribute to the expression of the text?